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the eponymous

Eurogamer Interview

I recently did an interview for Dan Whitehead at Eurogamer as part of a new series called Code Britannia. It’s pretty difficult to find new things to say about something which has been pretty well covered; I reckon Dan managed to shine a new light on things though. Worth going over there for a read – I certainly enjoyed it – so did my mum ;) Looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Cheers Dan!


Master volume

Graphic EQ


Colour Animate


Etiam libero neque, luctus a, eleifend nec, semper at, lorem. Sed pede. Nulla lorem metus, adipiscing ut, luctus sed, hendrerit vitae, mi.

Toggle Effect

video/audio synch test

The Evanescence track “Bring me to life” heard here is ad supported, and audioswapped onto the video by Youtube, so quite legal… The video was edited to a local copy of the track – the questions were, would it sync correctly once uploaded and audio swapped – and how obtrusive would the advertising be… result above. What’s interesting is that the audio plays for its full length, long past the end of the short test video… It’s not a track I would choose to go with this site… and I wish it did stop when the video ends… however, it serves my puposes for now… woo hooo hooo haaa haaa haaa (or however that is spelled). The butterflies were filmed near Winchester late one summer…

LEGO Antescher

Andi (from planet Germany) sent me a link to this video by CosmicXanadu.

Is there a really good up-to-date word for awesome? .. now I want to build one… I wonder how many Lego bricks would be needed? It’s still strangely spooky looking at that city from these different perspectives. Even after 30 years, I still have strong memories associated with the places, and the shapes of the places. It was like I lived there when it was a building site… Yes, 30 years this year, I guess that’s a whole new post though! Thanks CosmicXanadu :)


Come on in, make yourself comfortable and have a virtual cuppa! So… what’s going on hereabouts? Well it’s mostly me playing about with webby-things, staking my claim in cyber-space, and, err.. talking to you! When I first started the site, over 23 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 44 minutes, 12 seconds ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with it, and I’m still none the wiser! It has, however, turned out to be a lot of fun… and a little pain… well… mare fun than pain… and well the pain can be fun in and of itself…  Anyway, have a look round… perhaps you’ll find something to keep you entertained for a minute or two… oh.. how’s that cuppa? (I did offer you a brew didn’t I?) Go aawwn… have a top up and a choccy biccy!

Visit the brand new Visitors page

with its brand new messages from visitors (sort of) … yippee!

and other older bits of the site…

ant attack

the vault

archived visitors pages

old homepage

two samples


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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.