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Come on in, make yourself comfortable and have a virtual cuppa! So… what’s going on hereabouts? Well it’s mostly me playing about with webby-things, staking my claim in cyber-space, and, err.. talking to you! When I first started the site, over 23 years, 6 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, 32 seconds ago, I had no idea what I was going to do with it, and I’m still none the wiser! It has, however, turned out to be a lot of fun… and a little pain… well… mare fun than pain… and well the pain can be fun in and of itself…  Anyway, have a look round… perhaps you’ll find something to keep you entertained for a minute or two… oh.. how’s that cuppa? (I did offer you a brew didn’t I?) Go aawwn… have a top up and a choccy biccy!

Visit the brand new Visitors page

with its brand new messages from visitors (sort of) … yippee!

and other older bits of the site…

ant attack

the vault

archived visitors pages

old homepage